1. Trial of complete Androgen blockade In prostate cancer - July 2000
2. Clinical trail to compare imported foleys self retaining catheter with locally made similar catheter. - August 2001.
3. Life after death.
Documentary in English & Marathi on cadaver transplant -August 2001.
4. Efficacy and Tolerability of Siddenafil Citrate in Male erectile dysfunction.
A double blind Randomised, Placebo controlled cross over study - January 2002
5. Clinical evaluation of the efficacy and safety of dutasteride In the treatment of symptomatic BPH - March 2003.
6. A Randomised comparative parallel, doubleblind, multi center trail of oxybutinin IR, Ditropane, Oxybutinin TR patients with symptoms of over active bladder - July 2003.
7. Screening of sera from pregnant women for HLA antibodies Ongoing - August 2003.
8. Counselling of relatives after death for organ donation funded by Ambuja Foundatlon through SJRF