Services |
Day and Time |
Facilities offered to patients |
1. Integrated Clinic |
Monday, 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm |
2. Health Education forrelatives of patients |
Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday, 9:30 - 11:30 am and 1:30 - 3:30 pm |
Health Education for relatives of patients |
3. School Clinic |
Daily 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm |
Services |
Day and Time |
Facilities offered to patients |
(a) General Adult OPD |
Daily 9:00 am to 12 noon |
OPD services for adults, screening for oral cancer and breast cancer |
(b) General Paediatric OPD |
Daily 9:00 am to 12 noon |
OPD services for 5-12 years |
(c) Immunization |
Daily 9:00 am to 12 noon and 1:30 to 3:30 pm |
Immunization services according to UIP |
(d) Growth & DevelopmentClinic |
Daily 1:30 to 3:30 pm |
For under 5 years old children |
(e) TB OPD |
Daily 9:00 am to 12 noon |
Diagnosis and treatment |
(f) Antenatal Health Talksand Exercises |
(g) Postnatal Health Talks |
(h) NutritionalRehabilitation Centre |
Supplementary nutrition is given to children who are in grade III and grade IV malnutrition |
(i) Adolescent Girls Centre |
(a) Routine health check up of street children with AMRAE & SNEHA |
(b) Conduct street plays, creating awareness on various health related topics on special days - - World No Tobacco Day- World Health Day- World AIDS Day- Breast-feeding week- International Women’s Day.- World Population Day |
Services |
Day and Time |
Facilities offered to patients |
(a) Gautam Nagar(b) Ayodhya Nagar |
Monday, 10:30 am to 1:30 pmThursday 10:30 am to 1:30 pm |
- Routine activities arei) medical reliefii) under-5 cliniciii) Immunizationiv) health talk on various topics including Breast feeding, weaning, immunization, personal hygiene and family planning.- Special activities arei) Cooking demonstrations once a monthii) Poster exhibition - once a month.iii) Organisation of competitions for-healthy motherhealthy baby;clean house & clean surroundingiv) Observation of various world health days such asWorld AIDS DayBreast Feeding WeekWorld Population Day.v) Conducted street plays on following world health dayWorld health dayBreast feeding weekWorld AIDS Health Camps |
Services |
Day and Time |
Facilities offered to patients |
1. Community NeedsAssessment survey |
2. Medical relief |
Daily 9:00 am to 12:30 pm and 4:00 pm to 6:30 pm |
Outpatient and referral services |
3. ANC – checkups |
Tuesday 9:00 am-12:30 pm |
Antenatal care |
4. Family planning (Tuballigation) camps |
Twice in a month |
Tubal Ligation |
5. Immunization sessions atPHC |
Saturday 9:00 am-12:30 pm |
Immunization according to UIP |
6. Outreach immunizationactivities |
Once in a week at each subcentre |
Immunization according to UIP |
7. Leprosy detection andtreatment |
Daily 9:00 am-12:30 pmand 4:00 pm to 6:30 pm |
Leprosy detection and treatment |
8. Anganwadi check-ups ofunder 5 children |
Once in 3 months |
Health check up, growth monitoring & treatment |
9. Oral and Breast cancerscreening |
Daily 9:00 am-12:30 pmand 4:00 pm to 6:30 pm |
Oral and Breast cancer screening |
10. Implementation ofNational healthprogrammes - at PHC,subcentre, anganwadi,Shahapur rural hospital |
Routinely |
Services |
Day and Time |
Facilities offered to patients |
1. Mop up immunization |
In response to outbreak |
2. STD detection camp |
3. Health camp at Shahapur |
4. School health checkups |
Once in a year |
Health check up, referral services and treatment |
5. Training of Dai’s |
6. Training of staff forfamily health awarenesscampaign programme |
7. Training of MPW’s |
8. Observation of variousWorld Health Days |
Services |
Day and Time |
Facilities offered to patients |
1. Municipal |
Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 10:00 am to 12 noon and 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm |
Health check-upsImmunizationHealth educationChild To Child ProgrammeConducting role plays for children. |
2. Private |
Health check-upsHealth education |
1. Peer Educators: Base line information of training need assessment of 3005 Youths of Dharavi was undertaken. Based on this information the training program was started by the department of PSM in collaboration with MDACS for the HIV/AIDS educating the Youth of Dharavi. 121 Peer educators were trained and they were involved in educating the youths ahead The Youth who had leadership qualities and had the will to do voluntary work were trained about the disease HIV / AIDS, its routes of transmission and myths and believes that are rampant in the community. They in turn are expected to educate others of their age group and bring about the change in behavior.
2. Aarogya Jagruti Abhiyan Clean Sion Project. Health education was imparted on various topics to the relatives of the patients who are admitted to LTMG Hospital wards. This education was to help people, to take care of themselves and their patients when they were in hospital and even after discharge. It also helped in keeping the premises of L T M G Hospital clean. This project was in collaboration with Swachata Nyas.
3. Adolescent Empowerment Project: KISHORI. - A FOGSI initiative The Anganwadi workers of 2 sectors of ICDS block of Dharavi were trained by expert staff of the dept. of PSM, obst/gynac about the health and other issues concerning of adolescent girls in a very participatory way. They were also imparted the skills of communication so that they could easily impart this education to adolescent girls of the community. The health workers in turn educate the adolescent girls of the community and empower them with correct knowledge of their body and healthy lifestyles. In addition there is a specialist at UHC Dharavi to look into any of their health needs of the adolescent whenever they have problems. Adolescent clinic Adolescent Centre and Vocational Centre was established. This project aims at empowering the adolescent girls with knowledge about health and developing the lifeskills. The girls have their hemoglobin checked regularly and appropriate treatment is rendered to them. This project is in collaboration with LTMMC and LTMGH Obst/Gynaec, Medicine, ICDS, FOGSI, UNICEF.
4. Child to child Programme Funded by various NGOs. The programs were started for 5th 6th and 7th std. students in Marathi medium Municipal school of Dharavi transit camp. The aim of the programs is to impart knowledge to the students about common aspects of the diarrhea, road safety rules and child abuse etc. These children who have leadership qualities in turn teach these topics to their peers and the family members Thus the knowledge is passed on to the community through the peers and is accepted better. This education is imparted by role-play, street plays. Competitions are held every year and attractive prizes are given to the winners.
5. A PEP (AIDS Prevention and Education Programme) Municipal Schools of Mumbai had adolescent education program for the 9th std. students. The dept of PSM along with the School health dept of the BMC started these activities. Nodal teachers were trained and they in turn imparted the knowledge about HIV / AIDS, STD and family life education to the students.
9. Geriatric services and health care for homebound patients in Dharavi: A multidisciplinary project with family welfare NGO. All the elderly people living in Dharavi are registered in this center and they are provided recreational activities and news papers. They undergo regular check ups and appropriate treatments. Various screening camps are organized for them. Patients who are home bound , a team of doctors consisting of PSM Residents , Occupational , Physiotherapist and a psychiatrist visits the patients home to offer Domiciliary care
10. Vashind Rural Centre This was started as a part of MCI requirement 3 PHCs and one rural hospital have been adopted by the dept for training of undergraduate students, interns and resident doctors. A senior staff member of the department supervises these activities and postings.
11. Mega health camps (Melas) were organized in collaboration with Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in the members of parliaments constituency. The objectives of the camp were to offer health care services at the door-step and referral if needed to tertiary health care centers. The other objective was screening for various disorder appropriate referrals and to use this opportunity to create health awareness among masses. A total of six mega camps were organized and more than 5lac people were examined in this camps.
12. Model Injection center (MIC): The Safe Injection Practices program started in January 2006 and was initiated by IPEN in collaboration with the Government of India, Ministry of Health and Family welfare (MoHFW) and state government in 25 medical colleges across the country. LTMGH and LTMMC is one among the 25 centres. Three model injection center were set up in LTMMC and training for safe injection practices conducted for 550 participants (Doctors, medical students, staff nurse, student nurses, Lab technician, etc.) The Objective of this center is to reduce the occurrence of blood borne infections to the provider , recipient, and the masses.
13. Identification of Childhood blindness In collaboration with World Vision all the school children were examined for visual defects and were referred to the tertiary health care facility for further management.
14. MCFHI training programme in Behavioral change for better patient care. Intensive training was received by 35 members of LTMMC and Other Municipal medical colleges on personal growth laboratory and they in turn trained the medical and other staff to improve quality care for the patients and to work towards a patient friendly services
15. AIDS Awareness in junior colleges (Aaj) training programme. This program was started for adolescent studying in std.XI in and around Mumbai colleges. The doctors participated voluntarily and were trained to create awareness among the students about AIDS and clear the misconception surrounding the disease. They were also motivated to adopt health lifestyles.