The department of Pathology provides following laboratory services -
1) Surgical Pathology - Histopathological diagnosis of surgical resected tissues,
biopsies etc.
2) Autopsy • Conducting autopsies of medical & medicolegal cases &
3) Cytopathology - Gynaecological cytology (PAP smears), fluid cytology, fine
needle aspiration cytology.
4) Haematology - complete blood counts, bone marrow aspiration & trephine bone
biopsies, other relevant investigations.
5) Blood Bank - Collection, storage of blood, relevant serological investigations,
preparation of components, blood camps for collection round o clock service.
6) Chemical pathology - Biochemical investigations of indoor & outdoor patients.
7) Clinical Pathology - Investigation, urine, stool, blood counts, routine examination
of fluids.
8) Emergency lab. services - Important life saving investigations - Arterial blood gas
analysis, Serum Electrolytes (24 hour service), few biochemical and haematological investigations after routine hour.
1) Undergraduate, post graduate students in Pathology.
2) D.M.L.T. students (Mumbai University)
3) Occupational & Physical Therapy
1) Frozen section facility
2) Iinmunofluarescence staining of kidney biopsies
3) Dissection of foetus
Combined with following departments
1) Department of Surgery
2) Department of Urology, Nephrology
3) Respiratory Diseases