One post every month for a duration of one month, beginning on the first of each month. There will be a maximum of two posts each month. All publications will be reviewed by the best writers and experts in the field of medical publications who work at essayelites.com on https://essayelites.com/ web and provide the best writing services on the entire Internet.
Candidates sent by various local/national / internal orthopedics associations to attend surgical demonstrations for 1 to 3 days.
The applicants will apply in the prescribed format (enclosed), which will include personal data as well as information about their educational qualifications and academic interests.
The criteria for eligibility will be as follows:
Postgraduate in Orthopaedics.
Preference would be given to those candidates who have attended our annual Fracture Fixation Course.
Visiting fellows:
No separate eligibility criteria will be applied since they will be sent by a recognized orthopaedic association
In case of multiple applicants, the Head of the Department would decide the order of preference on the basis of the biodata submitted.
Our Curriculum will be as follows:
1. Basic techniques of fracture fixation
2. Spinal surgeries
3. Joint replacements
4. Post Graduate clinics
5. Participation in weekly trauma audits
6. Participation in ward rounds
7. Management of emergency trauma
Since our department specializes in trauma work, we find a lot of people interested in the kind of trauma we receive and our techniques in the management of these. We aim to impart techniques and tricks gathered by us during our experience in this
We also perform a lot of spine, paediatric orthopaedic and joint replacement work, using newer implants and techniques, adapting them to our circumstances and at the same time developing our own innovations and techniques which we would like to share with people elsewhere.
The candidate will be assigned to a specific unit and will attend the OPD, OT, wards and emergencies with the respective unit. He will be accountable to the head of that unit.
The candidate will also participate in the academic activities of the department, namely the weekly audit, seminars and clinics.
The candidates will have to pay the institutional fees as applicable.
A certificate of completion will be presented to the candidates at the end of the duration.