2. M.O.G.S. - Dr. Pramila Bhatia young Scientist Award.
3. 1st prize free paper - IInd stage of Labour
4. 2nd prize - 3rd stage of Labour
5. Free paper presentation –3rd prize - IIIrd stage of Labour
6. 1st prize – free paper presentation - IIIrd stage Labour
7. 2nd prize paper presentation vault Prolapse.
8. Paper presentation –1st Prize- wertheims.
9. 1st prize - for interesting case presentation.
10. 1st and 2nd prize – Poster presentation
11. Miscellaneous - 2nd prize and 3rd prize-cervical fibroid case presentation
12. 3rd Prize – free paper - prolapse
1. 1st and 2nd runner up FOGSI Corion Award year 02/03.
2. MOSS Quiz Award on Population stabilization 03.
1. H. DisaSilwr Jubilet prize for 02.
2. MOGS Quiz Award on Anaemia for 02
3. Best paper award Theme 02.
4. Best Official Theme poster award 02.
5. Best Poster award - AMOGS Conference 02.
6. Dr. Indumati Zaveri prize Best paper award AICOG, Jan. 02
7. Dr. Jagdeshwari Mishra prize - Tata Hospital Conference 02
8. Dr. L. M. Shah Best paper prize - MOGS Conference 2002
9. Gold Medal Awora - DGO Sxatti3 - Oct., 02
10. Shirin Mehta Gold Medal award - 02
1. Awarded the "C.L. Jhaveri" prize for best paper on "Prevalence of Hepatitis ‘B' Surface Antigen in Asymptomatic Pregnant Mothers and in cord blood of their newborns in the 28th Annual Congress of Obstetricians and Gynacologists, Bombay- December
2. Awarded the Prof. C. S. Dawn Prize for the best paper in the all India Congress of Obstetrics & Gynaecology pm “Amenorrhoea and Genital Anomalies in Adolescence held at Chennai I December, 1991.
3. Awarded MOGS Silver Jubilee Congress prize for the best poster on "Use of NT lag Laser for Twin to Twin. transfusion syndrome" in March, 1997.
4. Received the senior K!GSI Corion Award for IEAH 1998.
5. Received the "Jagdishwari Mishra" for ISJE 1998.
6. Received the "Ethicon - Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaeoologists fellowship" for the year 1998.
7. Received the "Pramila Bhatia Young Scientist Award" Year 1999.
8. Received the “MOGS – Ganatra Trust Award” for the Year 2001.
9. (Mrs.) Indumati Zaveri "Best Paper" Award for 1980 YEAR.
1. Dr. A. L. Nair Scholarship and Gold Medal in Embryology for standing 1st in Competitive Examination in Embryology held in September, 1970.
2. Dr. V. K. Rele's Scholarship for securing highest marks in Pharmacology at IInd M.B.B.S. Examination held in 1972.
3. Dr. S. S. Rao's Prize for securing highest marks in Pharmacology at IInd M.B.B.S. Examination held in 1972.
4. Certificate of appreciation from Rotary Club Directorate of Health Services and Medical Education for services rendered during mass immunization programme at Bassein Taluka, Maharashtra, India, from March 1974 to June 1974.
5. Federation of Obst. And Gynaec. Societies of India (FOGSI) Ethicon Travelling fellowship for year 1979.
6. Best Resident Award Year 1978-79 at T. N. Medical College and B. Y. L. Nair Charitable Hospital, Bombay-400 006, India.
7. Dr. Sir Mangaldas Mehta Research Scholarship, University of Bombay 1980-81 & 1981-82.
8. (Mrs.) Indumati Zaveri "Best Paper" Award for 1980 at 24th All India Congress in Obst. And Gynaec., Chandigarh, India.
9. Dr. S. N. Bhansali Charitable Trust Award for the year 1980 for best thesis on ‘Diagnostic Method for the evaluation of tubal function’.
10. Certificates of appreciation for attending and conducting Laproscopic Sterilization camps at various pieces viz. Palghar, Thane, Chiplun, Khed in Maharashtra1 India.