Routine Investigations:
HIV tests (ELISA and Rapid tests for VCCTC, PPTCT).
Serology-Widal, VDRL, ASLO, RA.
Immunology - TORCH, HBsAg, HCV, Dengue, Anti HBsAg (as per availability of kits).
STI - specimens from STI cases.
Mycobacteriology - Pulmonary and Extrapulmonary specimens.
MGIT-for AFB culture for M.D.R. TB cases for rapid detection and ABS (depending on availability of kits).
Mycology - All clinical specimens for fungi and Induced sputum BAL, Bronchial specimens/Lung biopsies for Pneumocystis carinil (GMS stain) and other fungi.
Anaerobic Bacteriology - Specimens for gas gangrene and other anaerobes.
Bacteriology - All clinical samples - Pus. Blood culture, Respiratory specimens, Urine, Stool etc.
Hospital Infection survelliance activities - Sterility checking and investigations of outbreaks e.g. MRSA, Multidrug resistance Gram-negative organisms etc, Sterlity checking (as and when required).
Other Investigations - Blood and urine for leptospira- Dark ground microscopy and Serological test (Lepto Dri-dof).
Parasitology: Blood and stool and other specimens for parasites (Including Cryptosporidlum, Isospora, Cyclospora and Microsporidia by special staining techniques).
Bacteriological and Clinical audit Hospital rounds, Biomedical waste disposal, training of Health Care Personnel.
Emergency lab. services all24 hourt (beyond routine hours)-For emergency clinical specimens and PPTCT services.
· HIV and AIDS activities.
ü The Department has Voluntary Confidential Counceling and Testing Centre tor HIV/AIDS.
ü Suiveilance for ANC and high risk MSM and Transgender.
ü PPTCT services: Training of Peripheral BMC Hospitals for PPTCT as per MDACS guidelines and PPTCT round the clock HIV testing services.
ü External Quality Assurance Scheme of HIV testing for 8 Centres: 4 V.C.C.T.C (Severe, Humsafar, Rajawadl and KMJP Hospital) and 4 Blood Banks (Bandra Bhabha. LTMGH, MTA, BARC).
· Hospital Infection control and Biomedical waste disposal training and surveillance activities.
· Transplant services:
ü HLA typing and other rapid serological tests for HIV, HBsAg, HCV and CMV.
· Skin banking activities - Processing of autografts and cadaver skin grafts for sterility checking, viability testing and preservation.
· RNTCP activities Including EQAS for 26 Microscopy centers under LTMG Hospital.
· Setting WHO Net programme for antibiotic susceptibility.
· EQAS activity under ICMR for Bacteriological cultures.