The importance of a well-crafted Curriculum Vitae (CV) cannot be overstated, especially in the context of an event as prestigious as the 55th NATCON of ASI Anatomy Conference. A CV serves as a professional snapshot, showcasing an individual's academic and research journey. 

For those interested in academic writing services or producing cheap custom term papers, a strong CV can be a powerful asset. It reflects your qualifications, research experience, and involvement in events like the NATCON conference, which can boost your credibility as an academic writer. When potential clients or employers review your CV, they gain insight into your expertise, including any contributions you've made to the field of anatomy through your involvement in conferences.



Dr. Kumudini Kashinalh Golam



D2/10 358 Municipal Tenament

Narayan Pujari Nagar             

A.G. Road, Warli Seaface

Warli Mumbai 400 018







Present position


Head of the Anaesthesia Department

Co-ordinator of Emergency Medical Services Professor incharge of Cardiovascular and thoracic surgery-Anaesthesia










Dec. 1971



DA Anaesthesia

July 1974



MD Anaesthesia

Dec. 1977




Fellowshop: / Scholarship

Hargobind Foundation -1996

Rameshwar Birla SchoHarship - 1996

Training in U.K.

Anaesthetic Management of beating heart surgery, and complex congenital heart surgery under cardiopulmonary bypass .


Teaching experience

1.     Undergraduate teaching-31 years, 6 months

2.     Post-graduate teaching - 30 year& 6 months

3.     Post graduate teacher for the MK and D.A. course since 19g 3

Published Papers

1.     Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation and Mobile Accident Van inSeveral injured -Indian Journal of Surgery 1981. Vol.

2.     An Unusual Post-Operativej£omplication Following Modified left Blalock Taussing Shunt - Indian Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 1984, Vol3,Page59

3.     Review Article - Geriatric Patients and Anaesthesia - The Indian Practitioner 1986. VoL 39, No. 7, Page 59

4.     A Simple Method of Heparine - Praia mine TUration To Rationally Prota mine Dose, Alter Cardio-Pulmonary Bypass - Indian Journal of Anaesthesia, 1986, Vol. 34, No. 4 Page 187

5.     Epidural Pethidine For Post-operative Pain Belief After Upper Abdominal Surgery- Journal of post Graduate Medicine, 1986, Vol. 32 No. 3 Poage 122

6.     Air Trichloroethylene and Relaxant Anaesthesia For Pelvic Laparoscopy- Indian Journal of Anaesthesia. 1988, VoL 36, No. 6 Page 137

7.     The Sterilization of Ventilatory Circuit - Journal of Post Graduate Medicine 1988. VoL 34. No. 1, Page 29

8.     Continuous Brachial Plexus Block By Interscalene Aproach for Upper Limb Surgery - Indian Journal of Anaesthesia, 1988, Vol 36, No.6 Page 303

9.     Acute Normovolaemic - Haemodilution hi Surgery - Indian Practitioner, 1992, Vol XLV, No. 4. Page 281

10. BUIock- Taussing Shunt in Cyanotic Infants & Children - Post Graduate Journal of Medicine 1993 VoL 39 No. 1 page 17

11. Pre-operative Evaluation - An Anaesthetist's View Point - The Indian Practitioner, 1994. Volume XLVII NO. 2 Page 97

12. Sleeve Formation On the Cuff of The Reusable Ref Rubber Endotracheal Tubes - An Experimental And Clinical Study - Indian Journal of Anaesthesia. 1995, Vol, 43. No. 1 Page 56

13. Acute Pain Relief inTrauma - A Place of intravenous infusion of Buyprenorpnine - Indian Journal of Anaesthesia, 1997, VoL 41, No.4, Page 32

14. Intra-Operative Rediofrequency Microbipolar Coagulation to replace incisions of maze m procedure for correcting, atrial fibrillation in-patients with rheumatic valvular disease - European journal of Cardio-thoracic surgery 12,1997,627-633

15. Anaesthetic management for a case of right pneumonectomy - A case report JAPL1999

16. Cardiovascular diseases and pregnancy a chapter in book of obstetric Anaesthesia edited by Dr. Sunanda Gupta, Arya Publications first edition 2004