Name                                                  Dr. Rachita Savalaram Dhurat


Residential Address                           B 14/2, Maitri Park Society,

                                                            Sion Trombay Road,

                                                            Chembur, Mumbai - 400 071.


Designation & Office Address         Associate Professor

                                                            Department of Dermatology & STD

                                                            L.T.M.Medical College &

                                                            L.T.M.General Hospital,        

                                                            Sion, Mumbai 400 022.

                                                            Tel. No. 91-22-24076381, 24082505-5215

                                                            Extension 554, 315

                                                            Fax No. 91-22-4076100


Qualification                                      MBBS - Oct 1985 - Mumbai University

                                                            MD (Skin) Mumbai University


Teaching Experience                         Dermatology, STD, HIV & Leprosy


Designation                                        Institute                                              Period

                                                                                                                 Yrs Months

Tutor               Grand Medical College & J.J.Group of Hospitals      1                 6


Lecturer           Grand Medical College & J.J. Group of Hospitals     2                 -


Lecturer           L.T.M.M.College & L.T.M.G.Hospital                       4                 4


Associate        L.T.M.M.College & L.T.M.G.Hospital                       7                 2



Appointments & Position


§       University teacher for MBBS, D.V.& D. (Diploma), M.D.(Skin & STD), Occupational therapy & Physiotherapy Course, Mumbai University

§       Post-graduate teacher for DDV (Diploma) & FCPS College of Physicians & Surgeons of India, Parel, Mumbai 400 012.

§       Life member of Indian  Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists & Leprologists (IADVL)

§       Faculty member for National Conference of perinatal HIV 1999, Mumbai

§       Trainee Participant in Medical Teacher’s Training course 20-21st April  98

§       Faculty member for National Conference of HIV & Hepatitis co-infection Jan.2003, Mumbai

§       Executive member for Staff & Research Society, L.T.M.G.Hospital, 2001-2004


§       Member for HIV Core Committee. , L.T.M.G.Hospital


§       Faculty member for for ‘Rational & Sensitive HIV/AIDS Care and prevention’ organized by the University of Alabama July2002

§       Co editor -Lokstar annual publication of LTMG Hospital 2001-2002.

§       Convenor for MD & DVD examinations Jan2003.

§       Member Scientific Committee, Dermafest 2004, 32nd National Conference of IADVL, held in Mumbai, 22-25 January, 2004

§        Joint Coordinator for pre-CME workshops, 20 and 21 Jan 2004. Dermafest 2004, 32nd National Conference of IADVL, held in Mumbai, 22-25 January, 2004


§       Member, Hospital Infection Control Committee, LTMG Hospital


§        Chair person for workshop on HIV & STI at Satara !996


§       Faculty member for post graduate CME Series on ‘Hair’ 8th Aug 2004.


·                    Guest lecture on ‘Embryology & Anatomy of hair ‘8th Aug 2004. Mumbai


§       Chair person for workshop for post graduate CME Series on ‘Hair’ 8th Aug 2004.

§       Training in ‘Antiretroviral therapy within HIV/AIDS Care Continuum ‘ organized by MADACS Mumbai 24-27th march 2004.



·       “Conjugal infection of HIV in 20 couples” published in the proceedings of 18th National conference of IASSTD & AIDS, Jan. 1994. Govidan Nair  Award won 2nd award


·       “Enteropathogens in HIV positive individuals” published in the proceedings of 19th  National conference of IASSTD & AIDS, Chandigarh, 11-12 Feb 1995 won 2nd awaed


·       “Herpetic ulcers in HIV infected patients” published in the proceedings of 19th National conference of IASSTD & AIDS, Chandigarh, 11-12 Feb 1995



·       “Clinical Spectrum of Tuberculosis & HIV” published in the proceedings of 2nd National conference of HIV/AIDS Medicine, organized by Poona Medical Research Foundation & National AIDS Research Institute (NARI), Ahmedabad, Gujrat Feb 1998


·       “Pruritic Papular Eruption of HIV” published in the proceedings of 28th National Conference of Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists & Leprologists, Banglore 27-30th Jan 2000



·       "Bullous SLE: Redefined Criteria", published in the proceedings of 30th National Conference of Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists & Leprologists, 2002


·       "Inborn errors of metabolism with Cutaneous manifestations", published in the proceedings of 30th National Conference of Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists & Leprologists, 2002


·       "A study of Cutaneous tuberculosis in Mumbai", published in the proceedings of 30th National Conference of Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists & Leprologists, 2002


·       "Autoerythrocyte sensitization syndrome", published in the proceedings of 30th National Conference of Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists & Leprologists, 2002


·       "Association of herpes virus in pemphigus: Casual or casual", published in the proceedings of 30th National Conference of Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists & Leprologists, 2002


"Respiratory Cryptosporidiosis First Indian Case Reports", All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Silver Jubilee Congress, 2001


"Autoimmune conditions associated with Vitiligo", published in the proceedings of 30th National Conference of Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists & Leprologists, 2002


·       Guest lecture at pediatric dermatology workshop at Wadia children hospital on 22.11.2002 on Differentials of Pruritic papular eruption.

·       Guest lecture “HIV & STI’ at Satara organized by IMA Satara & MADACS, 1996

·       Guest lecture “HIV & STI’ at Jalgaon organized by IMA Jalgaon & MADACS, 1996



·       Dr. V.  Govidan Nair memorial prize competition    2nd award for

Conjugal infection of HIV in 20 couples” 18th National conference of IASSTD & AIDS, Jan. 1994.


·       Dr. V.  Govidan Nair memorial prize competition    2nd award for “Enteropathogens in HIV positive individuals”   19th  National conference of IASSTD & AIDS, Chandigarh, 11-12 Feb 1995 







1.      “Changing patterns of dermatoses in Paediatric age group” Pediatric clinics of India RS Dhurat, CS Nayak. 1996, 31 : 1-4


2.     “Metastatic Melanoma with an occult primary” The Indian Practitioner  RS Dhurat, Nayak CS, Kamat M. HR Jerajani. 1998, 51: 581-83.


3.     “Castlman Disease, retroperitonial tumour, Lichen planus & erythema multiforme", The Indian J of Gastroenterology,  J Waghela, Murlidhar, S Nandgaonkar, M Kumar, L Iyer, HR Jerajani, RS Dhurat, N Randive. 1998, 17:107-8


4.     “Clinical spectrum of HIV in Children” Indian Pediatrics. RS Dhurat, Mamta Manglani, Ratna Sharma, NS Shah. , 2000, 37: 831-836


5.     “Fluconazole sensitivity of oral isolates of candida from HIV positive patients” Ind J Medical Microbiology, B Ramkrishna, U Tendulkar, Ami Varaiya, RS Dhurat. 2000;18(1):30-32.


6.     “Cutaneous drug reaction”  RS Dhurat. Physician digest 2002 (Oct.Nov)


7.     An open study of the efficacy of emollient (Cetraben) cream in patients with dry skin disorders, RS Dhurat, HR Jerajani, Gandhi SS. Indian Practitioner 1998;51:865-870.



8.     Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome The Indian Journal of Pediatrics .Seema Satyapal, Jalpa Mehta, Rachita Dhurat, Mamta Vaidya. 2002, 69: 899-902,


9.      Giant lobulated seborrheic keratosis at an unusual site,  The Indian Journal of Pathology & Microbiology. Meghana Phiske, Sudhir Mamidwar, Rachita Dhurat, HR jerajani, Nilima Randive, Mohan Joshi Jan 200346: 96-97


10.  Evaluation of efficacy and safety of Clarina cream in newly diagnosed and  previously  treated cased of acne vulgaris, Indian Journal of Clinical Practice. HR Jerajani, RS Dhurat, S Kolhapure. (2004), 12, 27-34



11.  A Comparative Clinico-pathological study of single dose ROM in paucibacillary leprosy patients with 1-3 skin lesions, Dr. AR Deshmukh,RS Dhurat, HR Jerajani, Indian J Leprosy,  - 2003, 75(3) :209-217.


12.  Keloidal lesions - initial presenting feature of systemic scleroderma, RS Dhurat, HR Jerajani, T Rajopadhye, S Satyapal, A Deshmukh. Indian Journal of Dermatology, ,   2003,   48(.4): 219-220


13.  Evaluation efficacy & safety of Purim tablets in chronic dermatitis with special reference to atopic dermatitis, Medicine updates - A Passi Publication, July 2004, Vol 12L2): 33-38.

14 Rare forms of cutaneous tuberculosis- in ’ what’s New in Dermatology, STD and Leprosy ‘  Rachita Dhurat, S Shinde, R Kapoor, M Phiske, S Chowkekar, M Gupta, HR Jerajani. 2003; 37:17-22


International publication

15 “STD among HIV infected person in Mumbai” published in the proceedings of 10th International conference on AIDS Yokohama, RS Dhurat, HR Jerajani. Japan 7-12 August 1994 (PCO 555)


16 Carbamazepine in Reiter's syndrome’  Sexually transmitted infections, NN Goyal, RS Dhurat, HR Jerajani2000; 76:220,


17A study of the trends of clinic attendance in an STD clinic", proceeding of XIII international AIDS Conference, Durban, HR Jerajani, Maninder Setia, RS Dhurat. - A709/3507, July 2000


18 A study of Cutaneous TB in Mumbai,  proceedings of 20th World Congress of Dermatology, Paris June 2002, HR Jerajani, Santosh Shinde, Rachita Dhurat


19  methyl malonic acidemia with homocystinurea. Proceedings of  20th Word Congress,  Paris 2002, H R Jerajani, Rachita Dhurat, Anjali Shere


20    Biotinedaze deficiency. Proceedings of 20th  Word Congress,  Paris 2002, HR Jerajani, RS Dhurat, Anjali Shere


21    Autoerythrocyte sensitization syndrome: a rare form of painful purpura with positive intracutaneous test . J Mehta, RS Dhurat, HR Jerajani, S Satyapal. BJD 2004; 150: 768.






Special Interest

·       Hair Disorders - Scalp biopsy in patients with diffuse hair loss

      Utility of Phototrichogram in female patients with diffuse hair loss


·       Connective tissue disorder - Study of natural  history of SLE/Scleroderma


·       Autoimmune bullous disorder - Prospective study of utility of desmoglein ELISA test in patients with pemphigus vulgaris & folliaceus



·       HIV infections - Histopathology of Pruritic papular eruptions of HIV

Oral candidiasis species patients with HIV infections

Antiretroviral in HIV patients


·       Psoriasis clinic - Prevalence of antigliadin antibodies in patients with psoriasis co-relating with duodenal biopsy findings

UVB therapy in psoriasis patients

Study of acitretin in psoriasis patients