

Awards/Honors Received

Dr. Maithili Kamat


Gold medal, MD (Skin) examination, University of Mumbai, Jan 1997

Dr. Radha Atal


Direct immunofluorescence in pemphigus & pemphigoid, 2nd prize "Best Dissertation" SRS, Annual Scientific Meet, L.T.M.G.Hospital, 1997

Dr. Lalitha Iyer


1st rank in DNB (Skin) April 1998

Dr. Seema Satyapal


1st rank in MD (Skin) July 1998

Dr. Jyotsna Joshi


1st rank in DDV, Oct 1998

Dr. C. S. Nayak


"Occupational dermatoses in Mumbai" Bombay port Trust Award, International Conference of Occupational health, Mumbai, 17th April 1999

Dr. Seema Satyapal


Evaluation of salt split technique in immunofluorescence in bullous pemphigoid, Second prize in dissertation competition at 5th Annual Scientific Meet of SRS, 1999

Dr. S.T.Amladi


Awarded the Hargobind Scholarship for the year 2000 for the purposes of training fellowship in Paediatric Dermatology at the Birmingham Children Hospital, UK

Dr. Meghana Phiske


Best poster presentation for "Analysis of Herpes Zoster" at 28th National Conference of IADVL, Bangalore, 2002

Dr. Seema Satyapal


1st prize for the best paper in resident forum "Skin split immunofluorescence in Bullous Pemphigoid", 28th National Conference of IADVL, Bangalore, 2000

Dr. Jyotsna Joshi


Best paper in award category for the paper "M. Tuberculosis - A dermatologist story", 28th National Conference of IADVL, Bangalore, 2000

Dr. S.T.Amladi


Awarded the British Association of Dermatologists Travelling Fellowship to attend the Annual Meeting of the British Association of Dermatologists held in London, 11-15 July  2000

Dr. C.S.Nayak


Selected as team member of the Group Study Exchange programme of Rotary International to visit Pittsburgh - USA in April - May 2000

Dr. Sumit Kane


Profile of STD patients - 2nd prize at the Annual Shirin Mehtaji paper competition organised by the AMWI 2002

Dr. Anjali Shere


Cosmetic surgery changing face of naevus sebaceous - Best poster awarded, 24th to 27th Jan 2002, 30th National Conference of IADVL, Cochin, Kerala

Dr. Archana Dalvi


Epidermolysis bullosa, aplasia cutis congenita with pyloric atresia a rare combination, Best poster awarded, 24th to 27th Jan 2002, 30th National Conference of IADVL, Cochin, Kerala

Dr. Anjali Shere


Cutaneous manifestations of metabolic disorders, 1st prize of 3rd March 2002, Annual Meet of IADVL, Maharashtra Branch

Dr. Maninder Setia


Sexual risk behavior and HIV among men having sex with men (MSM) including transgender (TG) in Mumbai, 1st Gold medal National conference on IASSTD, New Delhi, 20th Oct 2002

Dr. Sumit Kane


Best Resident Award, June 2003, LTMG Hospital, Sion

Dr. Madhuri Gupta


Best Resident Award, 2002, LTMG Hospital

Dr. Maninder Setia


Best Resident Award, 2001, LTMG Hospital

Dr. Meenakshi Narayanan


Efficacy of 10% KOH for treatment of Molluscum contagiosum in children – A double blind placebo-controlled study, Best Female Presenter, 32nd National Conference of IADVL, 22-25 Jan 2004

Dr. Sumit Kane


A study of osteporosis in patients receiving steroids for skin disorders, 1st prize in the Young Dermatologists Forum, 32nd National Conference of IADVL, 22-25 Jan 2004

Dr. Meghana Phiske


Woolly hair nevus with epislateral verrucous epidermal nevus with persistent papillary membrane, 3rd prize, Annual IADVL meeting, Nashik, 4th March 2004

Dr. Meenakshi Narayanan


Efficacy of 10% KOH for treatment contagiosum in children – A double blind placebo-controlled study, 2nd prize,Annual IADVL meeting ,Nashik, 4th March 2004

Dr. Gautam Dethe


Chloroacne in a family of six, Annual IADVL meeting, Nashik, 4th March 2004