Dr.( Mrs.) Padma R. Chavan.
Designation :- Associate Professor.
Teaching Experience :- i) Undergraduate – 26 yrs & 8 mths.
ii) Post graduate – 19 yrs.
Research Experience :-
i) Recognized research guide for M.Sc. by papers in Biochemistry in
Mumbai University.
ii) No.of students who completed dissertations for M.Sc. by paper: 13.
iii) Recent dissertations ( 2004 ):- Effect of urinary levels of calcium
and citrate on urolithiasis.
-Urinary enzymes status in renal transplant patients a pilot case control
iv) Areas of research of interest Prostate cancer
· Renal transplant
· Urolithiasis.
v) Thesis completed
1) Biochemical studies in diseases of the prostate gland.
Student: Miss Anusha Srinivasan. Passed in Jan 2004.
2) Biochemical studies of tubular dysfunction in Nephrotic syndrome.
Student: Mr. Sushant V. Chavan passed in Dec 2003.
vi) Projects undertaken: 1)Erythrocyte Acetyl Cholinesterase in
hirschspremgs disease (1994-1996). funded by SRS.
2) Diagnostic utility of serum PSA in prostatic Intraepithelial Neoplasms
(PIN) cases. Funded by SRS(1997-2000).
3) Trial of Complete Androgen Blockade in prostate cancer. Funded by SRS(1999-2002).
vii) Area of current research:Markers of renal transplant rejection.
1) Prostate Cancer.
viii) Publication: Beyond Dyslipidemia in hypertension.
Dr.P.R.Chavan & M.E.Yeolekar.
Ind.J.Hypertension Vol 5 : 39,Jan-2001.