Dr. Madhavi Sudheer Phadke.
Educational Qualification : M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D. (Medical Biochemistry).
Designation : Associate Professor
Teaching Experience : Undergraduate – 26 years.
Postgraduate – 19 years.
Research Experience : a. Research guide for M.Sc. degree course in the subject of Biochemistry affiliated to Mumbai University.
b. Guided 11 M.Sc. (by papers) students for dissertations
c. Guided 3 M.Sc. (by research) students for thesis
M.Sc. thesis :1) ‘Study of proteinase inhibitor in health and disease.’
2) Study of efficacy of protein supplementation and nitrogen balance in thermally injured patients.
3) Plasma antioxidant and antiprotease status in different respiratory diseases.
Areas of interest : a. antioxidants in various diseases.
b. Nutrition
c. Inborn errors of metabolism
d. Protease inhibitors
Other activities:
Maharashtra State representative of Association of Clinical Biochemists of India, 1994, 1995.
1) Proximate principle and energy content of human milk in well-nourished mothers.
Indian Pediatrics 26:1211,1989
2) Non-enzymatic glycosylation of alpha-1-proteinase inhibitor of human plasma.
Post Graduate Journal of Medicine 44:29-34,1998
3) Study of physical characters of human milk.
Pediatric Clinics of India 31(1):42-50,1996
4) Determination of Ayurvedic Constitution by a newly developed marking system.
Deerghayu International 12(3): 3-6,1996.