Name of the teacher: Dr. Kavita Dipnaik.

Designation:               Lecturer.

Qualifications:            M.Sc, Ph.D. (Medical Biochemistry).

Teaching Experience: U.G. 16 years 1 month.

                                    P.G. 12 years.

Research Guide:        For M.Sc. (Biochemistry) (University of Mumbai).

Areas of interest: Nutrition and Endocrinology.

Ongoing Research Project: Biochemical studies in Thyroid disorders.

M.Sc. Dissertations completed: 8

Last completed dissertation: Biochemistry of depression- a preliminary study.

Research projects completed: 1) Effect of gravitational stress and limb exercises on

                                                     biochemical parameters of recumbent patients

                                                     with spinal cord injury and burns.

                                             2) Biochemical studies of pleural fluid in respiratory


 Research Publications:            4.