Dr. (Mrs) P. D. Athavia
M.B.B.S., M.S. (Anatomy) Mumbai University.
Present Post: Professor & Head of Anatomy.
Teaching Experience: Under Graduates-Since19/11/1978 (25 years,6 months)
1styear (MBBS, BDS, O.T.& P.T.and B.A.S L P ).
Post Graduates—Since July 1996 (7 years ),
MS (Branch v ) Human Anatomy.
1."The mode of Enamel Transfer by Ameloblasts and Dentine by Odontoblasts” “Dental Dialogue” journal MSB Indian Dental association vol.xxvi, no. 4.2000,pages-124-127.
2.“Anatomical Basis of Peripheral Nerve Compression- A Case study ”Bombay Hospital Journal,vol.42,No.2.2002.page398-399.
3) Text Book on “History of Anatomy and Embalming Techniques” Vikas Publication Mumbai --India
4) Organized And conducted CME and Hands on Workshop on Embalming Techniques at National Level at Sion hospital 4th &5th june2004
1) Guest lectures:
a) “Embalming Techniques” at 52nd NATCON of ASI, Hyderabad
b)“Pelvic Diaphragm” at
c)“Development of Nose & Paranasal Air sinuses” at FESS workshop.
Paper Presentations in conferences of Anatomical Society of India
1.) "The mode of Enamel Transfer by Ameloblasts and Dentine by Odontoblasts”. (Belgaum Dec. 1994)
2.) ”Drawing is Superior to Description of Anatomy” (Belgaum Dec.1994)
3.)“Anatomical Basis of Peripheral Nerve Compression”- A Case study” (Sevagram Dec. 95)
4.)“Use of Sandwich method for preparation of Histology slides using waste transparencies as mounts” (Calcutta Dec. 1996)
5.)“The Enigma Of The Tortuous Vessels” (Karad Dec.1998)
6.)“A new Key For An Old Lock” (Karad Dec. 1998)
7.) How and why the peculior course of facial nerve.
(A perspective with Animation) Ahemdabad Dec.2003
8)Specific gravity adjusted preservative for retaining normal architecture for dissection. 53rd NATCON of Anatomical Society of India Nagpur 2006
9) History of Anatomy for nurturing the appropriate attitude in Medicos. 53rd NATCON of Anatomical Society of India Nagpur 2006
Poster presentations: in conferences of Anatomical Society of India. 1.“A Loop of Thread as an Aid in HISTOLOGY” (Sevagram Dec.1995)
2.“A method of combine staining of cells & fibres in Nervous system” (Calcutta Dec.1996)
3.“A novel method of demonstration of Neuro-anatomy slides” (Calcutta Dec.1996.)
4 “ Glass Handle with Care”- Use of broken Glass pieces as microtome knife. (Karad Dec.1998)
Academic Programmes Organized:
Event |
Extent (Local, National, International) |
Place & Dates |
Attendance |
Flap dissection workshop in plastic surgery |
National |
LTMMC, Nov 1996 |
35 |
CME & Hands on Workshop for “Embalming Techniques” |
National |
LTMMC, June 2004 |
90 |
CME & Hands on Workshop for “Embalming Techniques” |
National |
LTMMC, April 2005 |
40 |
CME & Hands on Workshop on dissection of hepatic segments and hepatic resection |
National |
LTMMC, April 2006 |
40 |
CME & Hands on Workshop for “Embalming Techniques” |
National |
LTMMC, June 2006 |
50 |
Pre-conference CME on Applied Anatomy at Smt. NHL Municipal Medical College, Ahmedabad on 27th Dec. 2003
National Seminar on “Recent advances in Forensic Sciences and Medicine” L.T.M.M.C., Mumbai on 21st March 2004
2nd National CME Workshop on “Embalming Techniques” organized on 23rd & 24th April 2005.
CME & Hands on Workshop on dissection of hepatic segments
and hepatic resection on 30th April 2006
1. Staining of Human Heart for the intercalated disc for light microscopy.
2. Percentage of Barr bodies and hormonal relations in oral mucous membrane.
3. Students’ evaluation of working environment in dissection rooms.
4. Evaluation of embalming techniques practiced in Indian medical colleges.